
Thursday, February 11, 2010

What Do Cupcakes and Wine Have in Common?

Cupcakes and wine?  In a word, disgusting.  Well, while cupcakes and wine obviously do not pair well, one winery, Cupcake Vinyards produces a very nice, inexpensive Sauvignon Blanc from the SB capital of the world - Marlborough, New Zealand.  This wine typically runs $8-10 a bottle and is a great value for such a clean, light bodied, crisp wine with a forward citrus note that is reminiscent of lemon and even pineapple.  It is a fairly dry wine, which makes me like it even more.  This wine pairs nicely with light dishes like fish or chicken.  While this wine is not what we might consider a great wine due to a less than perfect balance in its acidity, it is delicious and highly drinkable.  Anyone who knows wine also knows that a good bottle of wine doesn't have to cost you a fortune.  In fact, I find it a fun challenge to find excellent wines in the $9-14 range.  This is much more appealing than trying to compare expensive wines since the disparity tightens a great deal beyond the $25 range.  Besides, anyone who knows wine knows price doesn't necessarily indicate that the content of the bottle will be either great or even enjoyable.  In short this is a great little wine that I would recommend to anyone, in moderation of course.

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