
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sailing Spring Fever

It's about this time of year when we all start getting a little Spring fever. If you're like me, I've already grown tired of the cold and rain - it's time for some dang sunshine. Most of us are day-dreaming or making plans for a Spring or Summer vacation, subsidized by a little extra jingle in our pockets from tax season. Me, I tend to start thinking about things like putting out the garden and being outdoors. When it comes to fun, I mostly just think about being on the water. With the change of the season comes cool breezes, sunny days, warm temps - seriously, who could resist? Like a biological clock, my mind forces me to think about fly fishing and sailing; it's a true story.

I'll let you in on another reality: we romanticize the things we don't have and then once we have them, we take them for granted. Here is a picture of Amber and I a few years ago taking a trip in one of the sailboats I restored. In the spirit of the "romance" I just eluded to, I conveniently only remember the good things about owning a sailboat. I've since sold the boat, but since sailing is one of my favorite hobbies, I'm pretty confident it won't be the last we own. You know, I've often said (half in jest) I would move to the coast in a heartbeat if only to be closer to fish, food, water, and wind. The combo has an absolutely mesmerizing effect on me.

Oh well, maybe one day.
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