
Monday, January 16, 2012

Arugula Salad with Heirloom Tomatoes

Who doesn't love a simple, salad?  We eat with our eyes first, so I like the plate to be inviting.  I also prefer darker greens for my salads like arugula, water cress, and spinach.  And a good tomato...forget about it.  This salad brings together baby arugula, a variety of cherry heirloom tomatoes lightly seasoned with sea salt, a simple vinaigrette made with a high quality EVOO, diced shallots, a mix of red wine and basalmic vinegar, dash of sea salt, white pepper, and a little honey.  The salad is topped with shaved parmesan reggiano and toasted Stuart Pecans from my aunt's orchard in Georgia. 

This salad is every bit as tasty as it looks, it comes together quickly, and is obviously very healthy.  Arugula is high in vitamins A and C and a cup pf it contains about 4 calories.  Arugula is also an easy to grow veggie at home.  It grows quickly and can be harvested repeatedly.

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