
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Planting Seeds with My Sprouts

If you enjoy cooking, then you know it doesn't get more essential than fresh, hand picked herbs and veggies.  The satisfaction of planting and growing your own food at home is not only fun, it's also easy and inexpensive.  All you need are a few pots with good drainage, your favorite seeds purchased online, and quality seed starter soil layered about 1" or so over potting soil.

What makes the whole process all the more rewarding is when you share it with children - especially two blue eyed cuties with wonder in their faces.  At every opportunity, I try to let them be a part of what I'm doing.  They can learn by planting, watering, picking, etc.  I've been amazed and delighted at the interest my two girls have and how much they thrive being outside playing in the dirt.  From the moment the two of them are out the door, they begin exploring, picking up rocks, sticks, bugs, and dirt.  It's not that they don't like the usual girly things like dolls and such, but on any given day they would be equally happy in the back yard digging up worms.  I love that about them.


  1. I’ve been a follower on your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation

  2. Great photos. I already like your blog. The fishing stuff and family in particular.
