
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Components for First Fly Rod Build

I received a package in the mail today with the remaining components required to finish out my first attempt at a custom fly rod build.  As I said in my first post on this topic, I decided from the onset to take a low budget approach on this attempt.  I expected this build to be a trial run and I anticipate there is a good chance the rod will break in my hands the first time out.

Arriving home from work, I started immediately without bothering to change clothes.  My wife gets quite annoyed when I do this, but it's a habit that's not hard to explain.  I am comfortable in dress clothes and I get easily preoccupied, especially with fly fishing.  And speaking of easy, mounting the reel seat and removeable fighting but were quite straight forward. The job took all of about 10 minutes to complete.  All that remains now is to mount the grip, wrap the winding check, and varnish the wraps and the butt section of the rod.  More pictures to come.

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