
Thursday, April 4, 2013

James River VA Shad Fishing Report - April 4th 2013

This afternoon, my buddy Capt. Andrew Campbell and I decided to hit the James to see what our little anadromous query were up to.  Good thing we did...

In spite of a cool and rainy late afternoon, we got into the shad in a big way.  I estimate we easily boated 40+ shad a piece in the 1 - 2.5lb range and all on the fly.  All the fish were released unharmed.  There were boats all around us and everyone was catching fish, but Andrew and I were doubled up constantly with periods where we were literally catching fish on every single cast.  Andrew caught a beast of an American (see first image above).  I hooked a fish that I never saw...hard to say if it was a big American or a miguided Striper.

The action is definitely as hot as it gets right now.  This is a great time to take the kids fishing and let them get excited about the sport.  These fish are anywhere from 12-20" long. They hit and fight hard and are an absolute BLAST on light tackle.  Anyone who wants to experience the ultimate Spring fishing Richmond has to offer should be fishing the James NOW!

If you want the sure bet, contact my friend Capt. Andrew Campbell at 804-658-8297 and book a guided trip on the fly or spinning tackle.

Happy Fishing,

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff, I was fishing out of downtown Richmond last Monday and we only landed 2! Fished all day and never saw anyone land more than 1-2 fish except for one little johnboat that had the right setup and the right spot, just above where the sewage treatment plant releases water. Water temps started at 46 degrees and ended the day at 50, so conditions weren't exactly optimal.
